DevOps Engineer/Optimisation Analyst Pivot Sciences [2016 — 2018] Custom Optimisation Solutions for clients using in-house software and modelling techniques. Machine learning for the medical and transport industries using R, Java, Scala and Python. Analytics dashboards using R Shiny. Setup and management of custom compute resources for internal teams using OpenStack. Internal SPARK HADOOP cluster design and management.
DevOps Engineer/Solutions Architect/Backend Specialist Chalcid/Natmed [2018 - 2019] MVC Backend in #C for payments. Vehicle routing optimiser solution for using microservice architecture in Go and C++. Cloud System Administration on AWS using Make (before terraform was mainstream). Process monitoring (metrics and logging) and automation using Go, Prometheus, Kibana, Logstash, Elastic Search, InfluxDB, and Python. DevOps pipelines using Jenkins, Github, Docker and Docker Swarm.
Platform Engineer Roam/Ringier South Africa [2019 - Present] Bespoke terraform modules/ansible playbooks for Multi Tenant, Multi Account, Multi Region Infrastructure. Fully automated Jenkins CI/CD complete with Jenkins scripted library. AWS ECS Fargate Blue/Green Deploys, AWS EKS Fargate QA deploys, AWS RDS Aurora, Monitoring, logging and metrics with alerts by DataDog. DNS by cloudflare. Bespoke Multi Tenant, Multi Account, Multi Region Daily/Weekly downstream of anonymised/shared data form Prod to AWS Datalake then to Staging and QA.